Thank you for your interest in DREAMS!
DREAMS programming provides a home away from home, where kids feel safe and comfortable being who they are. Our programs seek to empower young people with opportunities to discover and develop their own voices. We firmly believe that young people must think of their artistic work as a vital tool through which they can process their lives, shape the world around them, and hone their abilities to envision and create a culture of confidence for themselves and their community.
DREAMS views creativity as an inclusive and innate attribute that all children possess. Our program’s philosophy includes a respect for youth, as well as a continued dedication to their intellectual, personal, and artistic development.
things to know About enrolling at dreams:
- DREAMS works hard to remove the barrier of cost to attending our high-quality arts programming and prioritizes families who could not otherwise access this type of enrichment for their student(s). Families in a higher income bracket may get waitlisted or be offered reduced options.
- DREAMS is not a drop-in program. The skills and work students complete take multiple class periods and attendance is very important for keeping DREAMS tuition-free and for students to get the most out of our program. The importance of attendance will be discussed more at the orientation
- DREAMS is not a clinical environment, meaning we may not have the training or capacity to properly support students with a higher level of need. Some students’ eligibility to participate in the program may require them to attend with an aide.
This is decided on a case-by-case basis.